Top Contemporary STD’s according to Harlow Escorts

STD’s, or sexually transmitted diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Most of them can lead to chronic diseases, infertility, and even death if they are not treated with adequate treatment on time according to Harlow Escorts. According to recent statistics, STD’s affect one in ten young people who are between 15 and 24 years of age. Incidences of these diseases vary dramatically from country to country and even from one geographical area to another within each nation.


Chlamydia can be attained from anal, oral, and vaginal sex, and also by sharing toys, such as vibrators. This disease can be passed to a child during pregnancy or childbirth. A condom is often recommended to avoid attaining Chlamydia. The cells of the cervix, urethra, and rectum can be affected by Chlamydia, as well as the eyes and throat according to Harlow Escorts of If not detected and treated early, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can come to light. Consequences of PID are chronic pelvic pain and infertility.

In women, symptoms are heavy bleeding, abnormal bleeding between menstrual periods or during intercourse, and/or pain during intercourse or urination or lower abdomen. In men the symptoms are whitish fluid that comes from urethra and pain when urinating.


Although cured easily with antibiotics, syphilis causes thousands of deaths worldwide. Syphilis can be attained from sexual intercourse, toys, blood transfusion, and from touching body areas of a person who is suffering from the disease. Syphilis can be acquired by a baby during childbirth, which is known as congenital syphilis. Symptoms are difficult to identify, but a lot of people present a constant fever. If left untreated for a long time, syphilis can cause serious damage to heart, brain, eyes, internal organs, and cause death.

Genital Herpes

The symptoms of genital herpes sometimes appear long after infection. Genital herpes produces painful sores around vagina and penis area. Once virus enters body, one will have it throughout life. Currently there are antibiotics that fight this virus and control it, but there is no cure. In cases of pregnant women, genital herpes represents a risk to a baby.


The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects cells of immune system and destroys them, reducing body’s ability to ward off infections and cancer.

There is currently no cure for it. If you start to develop infections or cancer, your body will be considered to have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS.

HIV can be attained from entry of blood, semen, using infected syringes or needles, fluid from vagina, or breast milk. HIV can pass from mother to baby during birth and breastfeeding. Symptoms are not immediate. Taking a blood test can detect virus.

Solution for Pregnant Mothers with STDs

Women who become pregnant while having an STD, or obtain one while pregnant run the risk of passing the STD along to their infant. STD’s can cause complications with the pregnancy and also cause birth defects in infants. Some of the effects of the STD may not become present in the child until years later. Regular medical care while pregnant is of high importance for those carrying STD’s. Some STD’s can be treated with antibiotics during pregnancy, while others cannot.

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